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Data Processing


Classification Using Neural Networks | Python

Built a neural network by using the Keras and Numpy Python libraries to classify images of t-shirts/tops, trousers, pullovers, dresses, coats, sandals, shirts, sneakers, bags, and anke boots with the help of deep learning.

GitHub Link​


Bike-Riding Problem | Java

Formulated the problem as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), implemented it in Java, and found a a consistent assignment for all the variables (bike, name, sandwich, juice, age, and sport).

GitHub Link​


Search Problems | Java

Modelled the Wolf-Goat-Cabbage problem, the Missionaries and Cannibals problem, and the Pancake Sorting Problem as search problems, implemented them using Java, and found a solution using all the search algorithms that work on the particular problem.

Reported solution cost and number of expansions for each search algorithm that is able to quickly terminate on a problem.

GitHub Link​


Student Wellness Portal | Figma

Designed an online portal that includes booking and prescription tracking systems in a team of 6, optimizing the booking process and personalizing students’ experience with UVic’s Student Wellness Centre. 

Figma Link

Team Site (WordPress)


360FS File-System Image | C

Wrote C programs implementing operations on a 360fs file-system image. The operations are: printing information about a disk image, printing a directory listing of files in a disk image, and outputting the contents of a file in disk image to the host console’s stdout stream.

GitHub Link

Round-Robin CPU Scheduler | C

Utilized a multi-level feedback queue and a task boosting mechanism for a set of CPU-bound and I/O-bound tasks, implementing a tick-by-tick simulation of a single-core CPU scheduler that is starvation-free. 

GitHub Link

Kosmos-Ethynyl-Radical Problem | C

Implemented concurrency with use of semaphores, mutexes, and condition variables, handling cooperating and competing threads.

Utilized mutexes to perform thread operations in proper sequence, preventing occurrence of race conditions. 

GitHub Link


Unix Filesystem Stats & Unix Piping | C

Wrote a program that prints out interesting statistics about the Unix environment in which it is run, or statistics about a single process running in that Unix environment.

Wrote a program that executes up to four shell instructions, piping the output of one to the input of the next. 

GitHub Link


Data Visualization of Discrimination Experiences | Python & MySQL

Employed data storytelling practices for comparing incidents of discrimination in Canada before and after the pandemic, communicating insights based on factors such as gender, race, religion, and appearance.

Applied effective visual encoding and interaction to a multi-dimensional dataset with choropleth maps, polar charts, and parallel categories in a team of 2, engaging users in learning about data trends and patterns. 

GitHub Link

Interactive Visualization Link

Data Analysis of Pizzerias, Soccer Teams, World War II Capital Ships, and S&P 500 Stock Market Index | PostgreSQL

Queried information from large datasets and analyzed data, reaching detailed insights about pizzerias, World War II capital ships, stock market activity, and performances of soccer teams across top European leagues. 

Data Analysis of Pizzerias and Soccer Teams

Data Analysis of World War II Capital ships and S&P 500 Stock Market Index


Craigslist Redesign | Balsamiq

Applied Human-Computer Interaction principles and redesigned Craigslist with rapid prototyping in a team of 5, providing easier navigation for buying and selling items.

Analyzed target audience in addition to human needs and behaviours through interviews and video elicitation, gathering a list of design requirements for improving user interaction. 

WordPress Link    


Even and Odd Game | HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Designed and programmed a single-player/multiplayer math game for students and learners through principles of gamification and interactivity, facilitating improvement of mental math computation. 

GitHub Link

Game Link


Text Formatters | C & Python

Constructed text formatters in C and Python by utilizing dynamic memory and regular expressions respectively, providing effective removal of unnecessary white space and arrangement of lines according to specific width and indentation.

C Program (GitHub Link)

Python Program (GitHub Link)


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